Thursday, June 23, 2011


Oh joy. More spammers. -_- You know what? I am so tired of seeing random threads cropping up on the first page, and people who have a serious PROBLEM getting bumped down just because some people think their random bullshit is okay. This right here is why we need an OT forum, although I'm sure no one but the trolls would ever visit because it would be so full of spam. And then the trolls would leave because no one but the other trolls were seeing their bullshit.

It's ridiculous. Abso-fucking-lutely ridiculous. It was funny the first time, and now it's just pissing people off. STOP SPAMMING!!!!! >_<

You know, a lot of the people who have been resorting to trolling the forums, I used to respect. Because I saw them posting on threads and thought, "Wow, people seem to like them. They've been on here a while. They must be really nice people."

Now? Not so much. So to those of you who keep spamming the forums (and for anyone who would like to do so in the future):

CUT IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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