Wednesday, October 12, 2011

'Sup? :P

Hey all! It's been a while since I've updated (enter reader's snarky comment here ;)), but I've got a lot more to do lately than usual (work, school, and sleep XD), so when my time IS free, I don't feel much like doing anything except sitting. But anyway, I just felt like another gif spam (and the occasional non-gif), so here we go! :3


And I think that would be a good place to end. XD SO. For those of you who have NO IDEA what the previous GIFS were about... 

Have a good day!! ^_^

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Natalie Jansen and Sayuri Kobayashi

These are two of my newer ones, so that's why they got uploaded first. xD I'll probably work backwards, going through my games to upload ones that haven't been uploaded or gotten to pose for the spotlight. n.n Anyway - here they are. :)

First up is Natalie:

And now Sayuri:

Download Links

I have a ton of new sims. :3

I could upload all of them to one post, but that would make the post HUGE. There are a ton, and I have quite a few pics for all of them. So this is just to warn you: sim pic spam soon to come. XD

Friday, July 29, 2011

I so excited!!!

So I got off the sims website at 12:30 this morning and went to bed around 1 am. I laid there for about half an hour when I had the sudden urge to start writing. So I bolt out of bed, set up my computer, get my pad of paper and a pencil, and in a little under an hour I have most of what I deem to be a basic, rough outline of a plot and a few major (but not really) characters.

I'm so excited!!! >:3 Although it's a quarter to three and my laptop battery is going dead, and I don't feel like plugging in the charger. Soo... It'll probably have to wait until tomorrow!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

GIF Spam. n.n

If you've made it through all that, congratulations. You've just now realized what a Pott(er)head I am. n.n If that upsets you...