Monday, May 14, 2012

My creativity is dying. -.-

So doubtless that anyone cares, but I just need to vent.

Lately life has just sucked. Yeah there are good bits to it (going to freaking JAPAN in T-minus 27 days!!!), but the parts that aren't good are seriously suckish. Like, I don't even want to move half the time because I have so little energy left after work, school, babysitting, blah blah. And all I can think of lately is how I miss role playing. Like, just five years ago I had several people with whom I was carrying on awesome one-on-one role plays, and it just feels like all the creative juices in mah brain have dried up now that they're over. It makes me sad. It's kind of hard to role play by yourself (believe me, I've considered it), and the site that I met these people has gone to the dogs. So IDK. I either need to come up with some ideas for a story (which, let's face it, isn't really that hard - it's the turning-ideas-into-stories bit that's difficult) or I can just lay in the creative puddle that used to be part of my brain.

FML. -_-

Sunday, May 13, 2012

I've got two new simmies for ya! n.n Zadyn Kigari and Mason Woods. Zadyn is a born in game sim, but I had to delete the save file she was in (she was a child in that game) so I wanted to create a new save where she was an adult so I could show her off. XD And Mason... I just created him a few days ago. I quite like him, although I don't know how well his genetics will mix with others, so that'll determine how much I actually use him. Anyway, hope you enjoy! Will add DL links soon. :)

Download Links:

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"Supernatural" - Part 2

Bahaha. You think that was all I had? HA. You know nothing of my fangirlyness. >:3

In case you didn't notice. Jensen Ackles (or Dean, if you're going by Supernatural) is absolutely gorgeous and is officially in my mansion of sexy people (right up there with Rupert Grint, Johnny Depp, Alex Pettyfer, and James & Oliver Phelps). ;) So if you love him as much as I do, enjoy (but he's mine.) :b


I've been on a Supernatural binge lately (finally watched all six seasons, now I have to catch up with the current one!), and I saw a bunch of gifs on photobucket that MUST BE SHARED. D:<


Let's begin. >:3

Second gif from the bottom is my personal fave. :3 He's absolutely gorgeous. ^_^

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Will be uploading her later... Check back for a link!

I don't have time to upload her right now as I'm going to get my hair done in a while, but I wanted to post some pics of her now anyway. :) So here's Kadie MacCleod, my Scottish (in my head) vampire. ;b